Friday, February 21, 2014

3). A Cat Named Kitty

Kitty is my boyfriend's cat. He rescued him when he was a kid. Actually, his grandpa found him and gave him to my boyfriend. My boyfriend doesn't fuss too much over names and that's why the cat's name is Kitty. We don't know how old Kitty is, but he is a very chill cat.
He doesn't mind posing with the turtles so long as I give Kitty attention (petting him and scratching his belly) prior to the photo shoots.
Kitty won't let me go away until I've given him enough attention, haha. He LOVES my boyfriend. I think Kitty loves me too since he lets me take pics of him and the turtles.
Kitty used to be an alley cat, but he's a spoiled house cat now! He's beautiful isn't he?
kitty derpin

Kitty is used to the bobble head turtles. He's so nice to them. He doesn't toss them around or try to eat them. He chills with them. Sometimes an arrival of a new turtle surprises him
but he accepts the turtles all the same

These two pictures of the turtles in a pyramid were quite challenging, but we did it.

So yeah, this is Kitty. A swole cat who loves turtles too.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

2). September is a Lovely Month

September is a lovely month for sailing and going to the beach. I went to Glen Cove, New York for sailing (Septmber 2012). I was competing at a collegiate regatta. There were a lot of sea glass on the beach. Between sets (before I'd have to go out an sail again), I took turtle pics and collected sea glass.

This is the sea glass I collected. I found a lot of green and white sea glass, but I also found blues and purples :)! My sailing friends collected sea glass with me and suggested spots where I could take turtle pics. It was a great weekend. I think we placed 2nd or 3rd overall. We probably should have collected more sea glass to weigh the boat down because it was so windy the second day we sailed!
These pics are from the first day we sailed though.

the day before we left for Glen Cove, we (my team and I) had to go to another teammate's house to pick up stuff she forgot. She lives across the beach so I took these pics:

The Barnegat Bay, folks. I used to think the grass was greener on the other side, but the sand is quite nice here too.

1). Sailboats and Nautical Whatnots

I used to sail in college. I regret not taking pictures of the turtles on the sailboats. I was still new at photographing the turtles, and I was worried that the camera or turtles would be ruined by the salt water. At least I got these pics! This is a tech dinghy- an annoying boat to compete in. I enjoy sailing in 420s :) FJ's are cool too. But I digress. Back to the pics

So my sailing friends were pretty cool with me taking turtle pictures. They said it was cute! And if they thought otherwise, at least they didn't say it to my face :P This pic was taken at the yacht club where my boyfriend and I first met. We were already a year and a half into our relationship when I took this pic (September 2012). He gave me these turtles. When I joined the sailing team September 2010, I didn't know that I would meet my soul mate. I also didn't know that said soul mate would buy me an absurd amount of turtles, and that I'd be photographing the turtles almost everywhere I'd go! I swear, he's one of my turtle enablers!

So anyway, I'm really glad I took these pics. I don't sail anymore (for now), but these are great keepsakes. A perk of having the turtle blog is that it is a journal for me. A turtle journal. My state was hit by Superstorm Sandy. A lot of the places I brought the turtles to were no longer the same after the storm. I am able to do a lot of before and after pictures because of The Blog.

I try to stay away from photographing turtle pictures that are pop culture related. It's a lot of effort, and this blog is more of a hobby. However I did do a Mean Girls turtle spoof (October 3, 2012) when the blog was still new at the request of my followers.

For the most part, these turtles chill and enjoy the view

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Pilot Post! ** was created on July 10, 2012. I am a 22 year old Filipina-American who is turtle/tortoise/terrapin obsessed! My loved ones are the reason why I have so many turtle related things. I do not have a pet turtle because I do not have enough time or money to take care of it. On the bright side, there are a lot of wild turtles where I live, so I'm always humored when I see them meandering about. I think they're happier exploring as they please.

Because of my large bobble head turtles collection, I created a blog on tumblr to make use of the many turtles that my loved ones have given me. If you're ever curious on how I got each turtle, you can check out this link here:

Besides turtles, I also love nature and traveling which are what most my photographs are centered around. I am not a professional (it's pretty obvious), nor do I intend to be. I simply enjoy having turtle mementos of my musings and adventures. 98% of the pictures on my tumblr are by me. They include "bobbleheadturtles" as the source. 1% of them are by other people with their respective sources, and the other 1% is photographed by my boyfriend. He loves turtles too, and when he has his bobble head turtles with him, he takes pics too. Mind you, I always have them with me. This tumblr blog has transformed the way I look at life. What you see on the blog are the bright spots in my day, and when you're someone who suffers from depression, focusing and photographing the positive things really helps.

I guess I've said too much. Better get used to that :P :)

So I made this blog to include "behind the scenes" stories about the pictures I've taken. I don't think either blog will be well known, (and I'd rather it be one of those gems people happen upon), but anyway I love turtles, traveling, and writing so...

welcome to bobbleheadturtles' blogspot!